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I treat people daily for various injuries. Most of them are old injuries or repetitive strain injuries. But occasionally I also see new injuries: sprains, strains, bruises, and swelling. And sometimes I need to treat my own injuries. I recently wrote up a blog about a fall that I took, a lesson on the Grouse Grind.

I fell on my knee, leaving it bruised and swollen. I bruised my leg and my arm. And I sprained my finger. Luckily I have some remedies to treat this! To the right here is a picture of my treatments. Of course my first fix was icing my injuries to take down the swelling. But as soon as I got home I started applying Traumeel cream alternating with Lymphdiaral cream (only because I have both and depending on which was closer to me at any given time).

I also started using Lymphdiaral ampoules right away. I use these as injectables at work, but since I didn’t have any syringes at home, I drank them. The next day my homeopath friend gave me some arnica tablets, so I started taking that. Acupuncture has also helped!

Though my sprained finger is still swollen, these treatments have sped up my healing so that I was able to go kayaking a week later and do the Grind again the week after. And return to my regular yoga classes.

While I don’t want to injure myself again, it’s been a good chance for me to practice what I preach! So, if you happen to injure yourself, don’t wait until it becomes a chronic nagging issue, address the problem right away for faster healing!